Stacey Corbin

Stacey has been claircognizant since she was a child. Beginning in her early teens, Stacey’s friends would talk to her about their problems and she provided insights and answers. This trend continued through college and into the work place where coworkers started discussing their problems with her. It was during this time her gifts of clairsentience and clairvoyance emerged.
In her early forties, Stacey realized that she was passionate about helping others and that counselling was her souls calling. At age 42, she quit her corporate job and started her journey as a Life Coach and Intuitive Counselor.
Since then, she has been helping her clients with issues and situations in all areas of their lives. She uses her intuitive abilities with her clients to clarify the issues and get to the heart of the problem. She will work with you to create a game plan that aligns with your values, draws from your own power and allows you to stay true to yourself. Her goal is to help her clients become the best version of themselves in order to live a happier more content life.
For the past 15 years, Stacey has worked in metaphysical stores doing coaching, counseling, healing sessions and teaching. She brings her corporate experience into her work as a Life and Relationship Coach, teacher and business owner. She is a Certified Holistic Life Coach with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She is an Intuitive Counselor and Reiki Master with the gifts of knowing, seeing and feeling. She holds certifications in Usui Reiki, Touch Therapy, Meditation and Angel card reading.