The ancient Greeks & Romans coined the “Dog Days of Summer” between July 3rd & August 11th…beginning with the exact conjunction of the Sun with Sirius …when the fixed star Sirius appeared to rise & set with the sun .This period, which lasts for about 40 days, is when the “dog star” Sirius…our Spiritual Sun, aka the (astral) Sun behind the sun…holds a prominent position in the night sky, opening a portal of cosmic energy that transmits codes from the true Source of Divine Light in the local area of our galaxy.
We are entering a period of accelerated energy via the Sirius Star portal that will span the Dog Days of Summer. This acceleration is due to the prominent position of Sirius that will be sending wave after wave of light codes to Earth in preparation for the Lion’s Gate portal.
These codes are not only activating our Divine DNA sequencing but they are also responsible for the activation of new spiritual gifts and cosmic upgrades. As such, the recommendation is to utilize these upcoming days to receive the new intel and to be as present as possible to your process so that you can capitalize on any important or necessary insights. This is always a very powerful time of spiritual awakening & renewal that provides an enormous amount of information so vital to our ascension, embodiment, and Star missions.
Lauren Gorgo
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