The Aries full moon Thursday October 17th is conjunct Eris (feminine awakening thru inner disruption) and in a square with Mars in Cancer (feminine empowerment & leadership) which together is creating a highly magnetic moon needed for the Divine Feminine to rise into her full power and authority as a leader of all Life on Earth.
It is a super moon one of the closest to Earth, therefore the upward pull is incredibly strong, which means the tension created from any resistance to positive energy increases will become intolerable.
This is a definitive breaking point-potentially a breakdown to break through, the climax/completion/integration of our sacred birthrights/health and wealth energies through the return of emotional, relational, creative and financial authority.
In the bigger picture, this means that the feminine principle of creation is ready to take the lead over the masculine dynamics that has been used to govern this world, therefore the lower forces will no longer dominate. The immense division and discord in the outer world currently is only the more negative forces hanging on, knowing that change is ahead.
Probably not a coincidence that one of the most powerful jobs in the world has a woman contending for the office-stay tuned....