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  • Writer's pictureThe Well of Roswell

Raising Your Rate of Vibration


The word vibration is used a lot in the metaphysical/spiritual community. It simply means the frequency at which you are resonating to. Most things in our world have a fixed vibration. The chair you are sitting in doesn’t change vibration just because you sit in it. Animals that feel and express emotion will fluctuate a little based on their current emotions, but they are not capable of raising and lowing to the vast degree that humans can. We can vibrate really low and really high based on our mindfulness, thoughts, environment, and energy hygiene.

Things that lower your vibration.

  • Excessive alcohol consumption

  • Consuming process food

  • Anger

  • Repetitive negative thoughts

  • Negative self-talk

  • Smoking

  • Fighting and yelling

  • Recreational drug use

  • Prescription drugs (do not come off prescriptions without consulting a physician)

  • Chemicals

  • Preserves and dyes

  • Sugar

Ways to raise your vibration.

  • Find something of beauty and just appreciate it. It can be a flower growing from a crack in the sidewalk. It can be the beauty of your loved ones eyes. It can be your child’s smile, or a newly organized shelf of books. Just one thing. That’s all you need.

  • Make a list of all that you are grateful for. The reason gratitude journals and thankfulness lists work is because, just like cognitive behavioral training, you can make neuro-pharmacological and neuro-biological changes with a shift in your focus on gratitude. Start with a few things: I can take a breath. I am here, now. I have at least one friend. I am able to change myself with my own will. Then expand to make your list your own.

  • Meditate. Think of nothing. This is more than likely a more neutral and therefore more positive place to take your vibration. (Before meditating make sure you clear your space and call on protection to make sure you stay safe.)

  • Do something for someone else. Giving to someone else shifts your thinking from “I don’t have enough, to I have more than enough to give to others.” Abundance is a high vibration.

  • Change your DNA. It has a vibration too. There are sound frequencies which when listened to frequently, shift your vibration with 528 hz. There are recordings all over the internet. Search Youtube for Theta Healing Meditation. The description is (Powerful Healing Theta Meditation ~ 528Hz Transformation Miracles and DNA Repair)

  • Listen to music you love. Music shifts your frequency by making you happy.

  • Stop complaining and gossiping. Are the things you are talking about bringing you more of what you want? Stop complaining, and start finding ways to rejoice. Look at what you have and point out something good that you already have every day.

  • Move. Exercise. Get active. Dance! Not only does movement change your perspective, it also creates endorphins which help you to feel happy. The happier you feel, the more you will draw happy experiences to yourself because you are operating at a different frequency.

  • Listen to the ancient chants from Buddhist, Gregorian monks, or even Sanskrit Mantra Chanting. They are designed to shift your frequency.

  • Not sure where you are vibrating? Just check in. How do you feel right now? Just observe it and then you can change it. Perception starts with awareness.

  • Do mental reps. Say to yourself 100 times a day. I am happy or I am prosperous, or I am unafraid of change. You may not believe it yet, but with practice you will. Your 100 repetitions could just be, I can change my mind.

  • Do Yoga, Reiki, or Qigong or another of the martial arts. All these practices aim at shifting your mental vibration and raising your Qi.

  • Realize that you have more control over your life than you thought. You are not a victim to circumstance, past, family upbringing, trauma, or anything else. You can change your life in an instant. Just realize this. In many wisdom traditions this is called “total responsibility.” No one is responsible for how you feel right now but you. It isn’t a curse. It’s a blessing because it gives you your power back.

  • Breathe. Just sit and try to make your breath longer, fuller, and more relaxed. It has a direct effect on your nervous system and helps to calm you down. A calm vibration is a high vibration.

  • Drink energy charged water. Dr. Masaru Emoto made this practice mainstream with his pictures in Messages from water. But it is also a practice from Chinese healers from ancient lineages. You can hold your water with the thumbs and middle fingers touching on either side of the bottle (heart Mudra) and send the water love. Then drink it. You can also write the words on the bottle before you drink.

  • Practice Mudra. Mudras are ancient hand gestures that redirect energy, or prana, back into the body in much the same way that light is refracted/reflected from a cliff face or glacial wall. By learning specific ways in which to hold your fingers, you can direct positive energy into your body.

  • Jump up and down. It is said that the simple action of jumping excites the cells in the body and makes them healthier. Have some fun on a trampoline.

  • Practice Ho’oponopono. The ancient Hawaiians believed that sadness, depression and dis-ease only occurred when we perceived ourselves as separate from the Oneness, the Divine. One of the practice’s main themes is forgiveness. Forgive yourself or someone else and raise your vibration. (I am really sorry. Please forgive me. I love you. Thank you.)

  • Hug someone. The American Psychosomatic Society published a study saying that just 10 minutes of positive physical contact with another human being can greatly reduce stress and raise vibration. Just make sure it is with someone who has good energy as energy is contagious. The most comforting and nervous system soothing hug is one that is heart to heart facing each other and not a side arm hug as you are not really connecting with the other person. By Glenda Emory

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